Although Soldier of Fortune is a war magazine, its Facebook page does link to political news stories not directly linked to military affairs, including Trump’s acquittal from the sham impeachment trial. SOF’s comments section of Facebook attracts a disproportionate number of Trumpists, who are currently gloating about how their idol has been exonerated and boasting about four more years.
When I had the nerve to proclaim that Trump may have been acquitted but not exonerated, one of these Trumpists told me that ‘I lost’. A strange comment, since I am a nobody with no influence, not American and don’t live there. Just a meaningless outsider with an unpopular opinion. How did ‘I’ lose? In the meantime, the villains of the impeachment story mounted a successful coup against rule of law and the US Constitution, while crowing that they had trounced a deep state conspiracy to overturn the 2016 election. They legitimized abuse of power, obstructing Congress and soliciting foreign intervention to tip an election, as long as the beneficiary was a Republican. It was America that lost. And the Trumpists don’t care.